Insolvency law

Insolvency law

We specialize in Swedish insolvency law and provide help to domestic and foreign clients in this area.

Current bankruptcies / Tenders

Here you find information on bankruptcies of major interest as well as any current bankruptcy tenders.            

(In Swedish only)

Bankruptcies / Tenders


Bankruptcy, in short, is the most known method of dissolving a company with financial problems. An official receiver, appointed by the district court, converts the assets of the company into cash and distributes it among the creditors in a certain way. We are frequently appointed as official receivers and have vast knowledge of insolvency matters. 

Insolvency counselling

Regardless of whether it is your own company or your customers or suppliers having financial problems, knowledge in insolvency law is crucial to make the right decisions at the right time. We can assist clients in relation to bankrupt estates, whether it be a claim in the bankruptcy or the estate making a claim against our clients. 

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